
This blog is where I talk about my life with Aspergers Syndrome in order to help myself deal with an incredibly overactive brain and to reach out to others with it to let them know that it does get better and you are not alone.

It’s also where I document what I’m doing at the moment in an effort to keep myself focused in a world where there is an increasing amount of distractions from achieving anything. I take comfort in the fact that being a geek and introverted is now lauded as a good thing and it’s not downgraded to the fact that you are an incomplete person simply as you don’t wish to socialize every minute of the day.

Currently, my interests are neuroscience, psychology, learning the Greek language and linguistics in general, study hacks and philosophy. I always like to learn new things as I have an enquiring mind being a logical scientist but also I have a deep desire to connect with my fellow humans and I’m endeavouring to learn Greek for this purpose. It is a professional goal as well as a personal one. There quite lofty goals but we do need to push ourselves out of out comfort zone to achieve growth in our lives.

People I admire at the moment are Cal Newport, Tim Ferriss, Thomas Frank, Elon Musk, Luis Von Ahn, Walter O Brien. Yes, there pretty much all computer scientists but that’s what I am. I like the fact that they have designed products and systems that improve the world using a combination of innovation, common sense and knowledge. Nothing wrong with being unique and not following the crowd. We have developed sufficiently with technology now to not need to be stuck behind a desk for 40 hours a week grinding away at the latest project.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. polianthus says:

    hello there – have you tried Galway hooker beer? Check out this post on my blog – budweise is not a beer, I mean really. https://polianthus.wordpress.com/2013/10/26/beautiful-brews-beer-cider-ireland-and-the-dublin-pub-experience/ If you try the hooker tell me what you think. thanks for stopping by and liking a post and – are you really called Athena Minerva, wow, fascinating. Or do you just like your godesses?


    1. No I haven’t tried that beer coz I haven’t been to Ireland. I don’t think you can get it elsewhere. It would be cool to be called that but no my name is angela. I thought since they are the Greek and roman goddesses of wisdom and I wished to educate that would be a unique name.


      1. polianthus says:

        well there Angela – that makes a lot of sense :)! you are right Galway hooker tiny brewery hard to find outside Ireland, if you ever go there youll have to try it!


  2. OldCountryGirl says:

    Hello! Oh, I love craft beers too, a lot! If I have a beer I really crave for a good one … look forward to read more!


    1. The beer i tried most recently was one by omnipollo and was there maple candied almond pale ale at 5%. It was quite an enjoyable beer as it tasted exactly how it should without too much head or carbonation.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OldCountryGirl says:

        This sounds delicious!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Omnipollo do come up with some crackers. They have a blueberry pancake one too as i recall.


  3. georouv says:

    Hello athena how are you doing? Nice site 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks I’m well and you or perhaps I should say efalastow, kala kai sou?


      1. georouv says:

        Oh hahah thank you for the interest in greek language,it flatters me much :).
        The reply you said exactly is : Efxaristo,kala kai si?
        So i am very good thank you for the reply. Translation : Loipon ime poli kala,se euxaristo gia tin apantisi (οr antapokrisi). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks i appreciate the input.


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  5. ohiocook says:

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  7. ohiocook says:

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